Jogos que serão lançados em dezembro de 2019

Chegamos à nossa última agenda gamer de 2019! Fechando o ano, dezembro é um mês sem muitos grandes lançamentos. Os destaques são Ancestors: The Humankind OdysseyDarksiders GenesisSaGa Scarlet Grace: AmbitionsStar Ocean First Departure R e Terminator: Resistance. Também teremos o lançamento do último capítulo de Life is Strange 2 e a chegada da remasterização de Halo: Reach na Master Chief Collection.

A lista dos lançamentos de dezembro você confere a seguir:

Dia 2
EarthNight (PC)
Tools Up! (PC)
Trax (PlayStation 4)

Dia 3
Arise: A Simple Story (PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
Blair Witch (PlayStation 4)
Cuisine Royale (PlayStation 4)
EarthNight (Nintendo Switch)
Farming Simulator 20 (Nintendo Switch)
Fight’N Rage (PlayStation 4)
Halo: Reach Remastered (PC e Xbox One)
Heroland (Nintendo Switch, PC e PlayStation 4)
JigSaw Solace (Nintendo Switch e PlayStation 4)
Life Is Strange 2: Episódio 5 (PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
Mars Odyssey (PlayStation 4)
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
Phoenix Point (PC)
SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions (Nintendo Switch, PC e PlayStation 4)
SIMULACRA (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
Skellboy (Nintendo Switch)
Stardust Odyssey (PlayStation 4)
Terminator: Resistance (PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
Tools Up! (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
Trover Saves the Universe (Xbox One)
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine (PlayStation 4)
Wizards of Brandel (PlayStation 4 e PlayStation Vita)

Dia 4
Big Pharma (Xbox One)
Everreach: Project Eden (PC e Xbox One)
Seek Hearts (Xbox One)

Dia 5
Alien: Isolation (Nintendo Switch)
Big Pharma (Nintendo Switch e PlayStation 4)
Darksiders Genesis (Google Stadia e PC)
Defenders of Ekron: Definitive Edition (Nintendo Switch)
March to a Million (Nintendo Switch)
Must Dash Amigos (Nintendo Switch)
My Friend Pedro (Xbox One)
NekoMiko (Nintendo Switch)
Raging Loop (PC)
Sacred Stones (Nintendo Switch)
Smash Rush (Nintendo Switch)
Space Blaze (Nintendo Switch e PlayStation 4)
Star Ocean: First Departure R (Nintendo Switch e PlayStation 4)
Tick Tock: A Tale for Two (Nintendo Switch)
Winter Sports Games (PlayStation 4)
Wizards of Brandel (Nintendo Switch)

Dia 6
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
Assassin’s Creed: The Rebel Collection (Nintendo Switch)
Breathing Fear (Nintendo Switch)
Classic Snake Adventures  (PC e PlayStation 4)
Hatsune Miku VR (PlayStation 4)
Immortal Planet (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
Ski Jumping Pro VR (PC e PlayStation 4)
Space Pioneer (Nintendo Switch)

Dia 9
Ashen (Nintendo Switch e PlayStation 4)

Dia 10
Avicii Invector (PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
Blacksad: Under the Skin (Nintendo Switch)
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (Nintendo Switch)
Dead by Daylight: Nightmare Edition (PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
Dragon Quest Builders 2 (PC)
Fishing: Barents Sea – Complete Edition (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
Fujii (PlayStation 4)
MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries (PC)
Rift Keeper (Xbox One)
Riverbond (Nintendo Switch)
Shovel Knight: King of Cards (Nintendo Switch e PC)
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove (Xbox One)
Terminator: Resistance (PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)

Dia 11
Headliner: NoviNews (PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
STONE (Xbox One)
Transport Fever 2 (PC)
Ultimate Racing 2D (Xbox One)
Vampire: The Masquerade – Coteries of New York (PC)

Dia 12
Cardpocalypse (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
Detroit: Become Human (PC)
GENSOU SkyDrift (Nintendo Switch e PC)
Jamestown+ (Nintendo Switch)
Pathologic 2 (Xbox One)
SuperEpic: The Entertainment War (Nintendo Switch e PC)
Touring Karts (PlayStation 4)

Dia 13
Dead End Job (Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One)
Event Horizon: Space Defense (Nintendo Switch)

Dia 16
Travel Mosaics: A Paris Tour (Nintendo Switch)

Dia 17
Aborigenus (Xbox One)
Straimium Immortaly (PlayStation 4)
Wattam (PC e PlayStation 4)

Dia 19
Dual Brain Vol.1: Calculation (Nintendo Switch)
Mirror (Nintendo Switch)
Regions Of Ruin (PlayStation 4)

Dia 20
Farabel (Nintendo Switch)

Dia 23
Down to Hell (Nintendo Switch)
DreamBall (Nintendo Switch)
Mushroom Quest (Nintendo Switch)
Regions Of Ruin (Nintendo Switch)
Rush Rally 3 (Nintendo Switch)

Dia 24
Drawngeon: Dungeons of Ink and Paper (Nintendo Switch)
Funny Bunny Adventures (Nintendo Switch)
Straimium Immortaly (Xbox One)

Dia 25
8-Ball Pocket (Nintendo Switch)
Barbarous: Tavern of Emyr (Nintendo Switch)
Demon Pit (Nintendo Switch)
Straimium Immortaly (Nintendo Switch)
Tower of Babel – no mercy (Nintendo Switch)
Tamashii (Nintendo Switch)
XenoRaptor (Nintendo Switch)

Dia 26
Akuto: Showdown (Nintendo Switch)

Dia 27
The Clocker (Xbox One)

Criador e editor do Portal E7, Herbert é advogado, amante de games e séries. Gamertag/ID: "HerbertVFV".
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